Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012


Das Aufpeppen gewaltbereiter, für nützlich gehaltener "Führer", denen schließlich, vermeintlich oder tatsächlich, nur noch mit Bomben beizukommen ist, hat Tradition. Gaddafi war nicht der erste und wird sicher nicht der letzte sein. Als "Blowback" - den Wind, der die losgelassene Giftwolke zurückweht - bezeichnen Befürworter gewaltfreier und vorausschauender Strategien zur Konfliktlösung das Phänomen.

"Sonia Seymour Mikich: 'Eine Gänsehaut sei ihm über den Rücken gelaufen angesichts der Freiheitsbewegungen in Nordafrika. Sagte Außenminister Westerwelle gestern beim politischen Aschermittwoch. Vor drei Monaten noch machte derselbe Westerwelle dem libyschen Diktator Gaddafi seine Aufwartung. Über viele Jahre versorgte Deutschland die Elitetruppen Gaddafis mit militärischem Know-How, das jetzt effektvoll gegen die Freiheitsbewegung eingesetzt wird. Wir haben Schmusebilder in den Archiven gefunden, und da kam uns die Gänsehaut.'"
"Der Stuhl für den Ehrengast. Der Bundesnachrichtendienst hat geladen ins Berliner Hotel Estrel - zum Symposium. Und das ist er, der Ehrengast: Saif Gaddafi, Sohn des libyschen Revolutionsführers, erklärter Kronprinz. Der damalige BND-Präsident Hanning macht seine Aufwartung. ...."

Aus: "Monitor", WDR: Immer zu Diensten - Die deutsch-libysche Wertegemeinschaft". Bericht von Andreas Maus, Markus Schmidt; 10.03.2011

Henry Ford und der Nazi-Orden

Donald Rumsfeld und Saddam Hussein

Osama bin Laden 1989 - er hatte Islamisten mobilisiert und militarisiert, die während der Regierungszeit von Ronald Reagon und von George Bush Sr. im Kampf gegen die sowjetischen Invasoren und die kommunistische Regierung in Afghanistan vom Geheimdienst CIA unterstützt wurden.

Umstrittene Kuscheleien im Kosovo ...


Frühes "Blowback"-Phänomen?

Unity Mitford
US Militärattaché Truman Smith (links) und Hitler-Berater Ernst Hanfstaengl (Mitte); um 1936
Bild gefunden auf

S.u. Kommentare zu Truman Smith (19.09.2015)

Mehr zu Hanstaengl auf


Deutschland ignorierte Abkommen über C-Waffen-Kontrolle ...

20 Kommentare:

  1. "Das geht nicht immer von alleine"

    Entschädigung / London zahlt Ex-Guantanamo-Häftlingen Millionen / 16.11.2010

    Erst vor Kurzem hatte der Chef des Geheimdienstes MI6, Sir John Sawers, einräumen müssen, dass er Folter zumindest bei kooperierenden Geheimdiensten nicht vollständig ausschließen könne. Sawers beteuerte sein großes Vertrauen in die Integrität der Agenten; er glaube, dass sie „mit Folter nichts zu tun“ haben. Allerdings betonte er auch, dass sich der Secret Service „in der realen Welt“ bewege und daher auch mit Geheimdiensten aus Ländern zusammenarbeiten müsse, in denen keine freundlich gesinnten Demokratien herrschten. „Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass ein Partnerdienst die Menschenrechte respektiert“, sagte er. „Das geht nicht immer von alleine.“

    1. 25 September 2015 - 17H45
      Last British resident to be freed from Guantanamo after 13 years

      LONDON (AFP) -
      Shaker Aamer, the last British resident to be held at Guantanamo Bay, is to be released by US authorities to Britain after over 13 years at the top-security facility, officials said Friday. ...

      Aamer was captured in Tora Bora in northern Afghanistan in December 2001 before being transferred to Guantanamo Bay in February 2002, where he has been held ever since.

      He is alleged to have been a key Britain-based recruiter and financier for the Al-Qaeda militant network and purportedly worked for Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, according to US military documents. ...

      Neither side gave further details of when the transfer would take place or what would happen to Aamer, who was born in Saudi Arabia, after he returns to Britain. ...

      Some 114 detainees remain in the prison opened to hold terror suspects following the September 11, 2001 attacks.

      Amid pressure for his release from MPs and celebrities including Pink Floyd's Roger Waters, Prime Minister David Cameron raised Aamer's case with Obama when he visited the White House in January.

      British human rights charity Reprieve, which has been representing Aamer, said he was first cleared for release in 2007.

      Aamer is a permanent resident of Britain who is married to a British woman and the couple have four children who live in London.

      Reprieve says he was volunteering for a charity in Afghanistan when he was captured in 2001.

  2. The Petroleum Standard

    Henry Kissinger busied himself creating the International Energy Agency, which the French refused to join, calling it a machine de guerre. [784] Nixon’s demise, Kissinger’s IAE and the Shah’s sudden desire for a high oil price coincided with the 1973 introduction of an oil spot futures market and a simultaneous bolstering of the London Eurodollar market. The international bankers could manipulate oil prices via the spot market, while funneling a fresh torrent of embargo petrodollars into offshore tax havens. But how could the international bankers stop the slide of the US dollar?

    Kissinger led an NSC project aimed at retrieving the $20 billion the US was spending on Middle East oil. This Rockefeller-backed effort resulted in a 1973 IMF meeting in Nairobi, Kenya where Morgan Guaranty Trust officials convinced SAMA head Anwar Ali to launch a London-based Saudi merchant bank which could be a major force in the Eurodollar market.

    A second Rockefeller-backed meeting took place in Lagos, Nigeria in 1979. It too coincided with an Arab oil boycott. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, who later chaired the Trilateral Commission, traveled to Lagos, then on to Kuwait City. He instructed Nigerian and Kuwaiti dictators to bump up prices on their premium grades of crude and to accept payment only in US dollars. Nigerian Bonny Light, considered the world’s finest crude oil, and Kuwaiti Light Sweet Crude became the world’s benchmark crude oils. Other countries were forced to then dollarize their oil markets. [785]

    The US dollar was saved. Through the New York and London oil spot markets the bankers could now control not only the price of crude, but the value of the US dollar, which was now by default pegged to the price of crude. Big Oil quit reinvesting oil proceeds into the Middle East. Instead, GCC sheiks were told to buy 20 and 30-year US dollar certificates of deposit at the mega-banks which own the Four Horsemen, whose crude profits were deposited in these same banks as CDs under the names of the sheiks. The banks adopted a policy of fractional reserve lending, whereby they could loan out $1 for every $.66.6 coined. The banks were now able to loan $60 million to Latin American countries at a cost of only $70,000/year in interest payments to the Arab CD-holders.

    Texas Governor John Connolly, the Hunt Brothers and Saudi billionaire Sheik Khalid bin Mahfouz became aware of this scam. They joined British banker Jon May in attempting to corner the silver market and use the proceeds to launch the Bank of Texas, independent of the Federal Reserve crooks. May was born to a wealthy British family and traveled the world setting up over 4,000 trust accounts. He discovered a “minute cartel” that controlled exchange and interest rates and global banking policies. He found that, “the provision or non-provision of money was all-controlling”. [786]

    The international bankers could manipulate oil prices via the spot market, while funneling a fresh torrent of embargo petrodollars into offshore tax havens.

    1. Citibank Chairman Walter Wriston once spelled out the loaded game which the cartel operates when he stated bluntly, “If Exxon pays Saudi Arabia $50 million, all that happens is that we debit Exxon and credit Saudi Arabia. The balance sheet of Citibank remains the same. And if they say they don’t like American banks, they’ll put it in Credit Suisse. All we do is charge Saudi Arabia and credit Credit Suisse. Our balance sheet remains the same. So when people run around waiting for the sky to fall there isn’t any way that money can leave the system. It’s a closed circuit.”[787]

      May tried to set up alternative lending facilities. He was harassed by local police everywhere. In London the heat was ordered by Inspector General Goldsworthy. May put a tail on him and found that he was involved in drug trafficking. He moved to the US where he was jailed on bogus charges. Many Third World governments, aware of the Fed scam, contacted May in search of a new avenue through which to borrow money. The Shah of Iran had just gotten involved with May when he was ousted. May says the Shah was healthy until he was flown to a US Air Force Base. [788]

      Deutsche Bank President Alfred Herrhausen was involved in the silver market effort and was soon assassinated. The official version of his death followed the P-2 Gladio formula and blamed Germany’s Baader Meinoff Red Army faction, but retired US Colonel and Edward Lansdale South Pole- assignee Fletcher Prouty thinks Herrhausen was killed by the CIA at the behest of the international bankers. Herrhausen was an advocate of Third World debt forgiveness. He had laid out a plan for debt relief at an IMF/World Bank gathering in Washington two months before his death. At the meeting Herrhausen embarrassed Citibank President Walter Reed, taking several sharp public jabs at him. [789]

      An Austrian industrialist working with Jonathan May was declared insane. The CIA trained mercenaries in Belize, most probably on land owned by Bush golfing buddy and Carlos Marcello associate Walter Mischer, to assassinate the Nigerian dictator with whom Volcker cut his deal because they were afraid he would talk. Jonathan May, who remains in a Minnesota jail, says these same Belizean-trained mercenaries were also deployed for the Herrhausen assassination. [790]

      On October 3, 2005 the Wall Street Journal reported that the Saudis and the other nations of the GCC had once again surpassed China and Japan as the biggest buyers of US Treasury bonds due to the dramatic increase in oil prices to nearly $70/barrel. Were high oil prices now necessary to prop up the wobbly US dollar? In June 2007 the six GCC nations posted $1.6 trillion in foreign assets. Dubai was becoming an international financial center rivaling London and had purchased stakes in Standard Charter, HSBC and Veuthes Bank. Halliburton moved its headquarters to Dubai in 2007

  3. "Lethal defensive weapons"

    Heute Show 13.02.2015

    "Guck mal da vorne, da gibt's einen Konflikt - schnell Waffen liefern, dann ist bald Frieden ..."
    Serdar Semuncu, ab ca. 05:30

  4. Die Anstalt 23.September 2014

    "Da muss ich eingreifen"
    (und Eingreifen ist immer miltärisch gemeint)

    "Über Russland, Massaker von Odessa, Ukraine, MH17, Medien, Waffenlieferungen in Krisengebiete, Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck uvm."

    Wie üble Kräfte aufgebaut und unterstützt werden, um andere üble Kräfte, die man vorher wieder gegen üble Kräfte aufgebaut und unterstützt hat, aufzubauen und zu unterstützen ...

  5. Die andere Hälfte der Wahrheit?

    Die Fusion 1931 zu Brown Brothers Harriman machte diese zur größten und politisch einflussreichsten Privatbank der USA. Mit Thatcher Brown eröffnete Harriman die Beziehungen zum Direktor der Bank of England, M. C. Norman, einer der wichtigsten Hitler-Unterstützer. Ebenfalls finanzierte Sir Henri Deterding als Vorsitzender der Royal Dutch, der hauptsächlich der Königsfamilie gehörenden größten Bank Englands, Hitlers Aufstieg. Ohne die Finanzspritze Thyssens (über seine Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart) und Harrimans American Ship and Commerce Corp. wäre Hitler 1933 wohl nicht an die Macht gekommen. Durch einen Vertrag von Hjalmar Schacht, John Foster Dulles, Max Warburg und Kurt von Schroeder liefen ab Mai 1933 alle deutschen Exporte in die USA über die Harriman International. US-Investoren unterstützen die Nazis nicht heimlich, sondern ganz offen, was der US-Botschafter in Deutschland, William E. Dodd, 1937 einem Reporter der New York Times öffentlich sogar mitteilte. Der Ölhandel, dominiert durch Rockefellers Standard Oil of New Jersey, belieferte Deutschland auch im Krieg. Der Vertreter von Standard Oil in Deutschland, Emil Helfferich, repräsentierte zugleich die Hapag-Lloyd. Bush und Farish schmierten SS-Chef Himmler bis 1944. Über Emil Helfferich, Kurt von Schroeder und Karl Lindemann, Verwaltungsratsmitglieder der Hamburg-Amerika-Line wurden horrende Geldsummen in die NSDAP Führungsspitze gepumpt.

    Dass der Nationalsozialismus mit Hilfe der amerikanischen Streitkräfte 1945 niedergeschlagen wurde, ist sechzig Jahre jedem Jugendlichen im Unterricht vermittelt worden. So bleibt dies nur die halbe Wahrheit. Die Offenlegung der anderen Hälfte derselben durch Antony Sutton trägt dazu bei, dass die bislang verborgenen Fakten an den Tag befördert wurden. So wurde klar, dass die Macht Hitlers nur mit Hilfe britisch-amerikanischer Kapitalspritzen überhaupt aufgebaut werden konnte.

  6. Captain Truman Smith, Militärattaché an der US Botschaft in Berlin, hat 1922 ein Gespräch mit einem gewissen Adolf Hitler - und ist angetan von dessen Ideen.

    Er bittet Ernst Sedgwick Hanfstaengl, Sprössling angesehener Familien in München und Boston, Harvard-Absolvent und persönlicher Bekannter von Franklin D. Roosevelt, an einer Veranstaltung mit Adolf Hitler teilzunehmen. Hanfstaengl fängt Feuer und wird Hitlers Berater für Auslandsbeziehungen. (Siehe "Harvard und der Holocaust" auf meinem anderen Blog.)

    20 November 1922
    Captain Truman Smith's Notes of a Conversation with Adolf Hitler

    Here are the views [Hitler] expounded to me:

    1. His movement is a union of Hand and Brain workers to oppose Marxism.

    2. The present abuse of capital must be done away with, if Bolshevism is to be put down.

    3. He believes in reducing the reparation to a possible sum, but then to pay it with all the energy of the German nation. Only by paying reparations can Germany regain its good name in the world.

    4. A "National Government" can alone carry a task like this through. There must be universal service for reparations. Two million men must give two years to it.

    5. The printing of paper money must be stopped. This is the worst crime of the present government.

    6. The National Government of the future must neither be encumbered with prewar or war personalities. It must be entirely free from any responsibility for Germany's disaster.

    7. Parliament and parliamentarianism must go. No one can govern with it in Germany today. Only a dictatorship can bring Germany to its feet.

    8. It is much better for America and England that the decisive struggle between our civilization and Marxism be fought out on German soil rather than on American or English soil. If we (America) do not help German Nationalism, Bolshevism will conquer Germany. Then there will be no more reparations and Russia and German Bolshevism, out of motives of self-preservation must attack the western nations.

    9. Hitler wants an understanding with France. He realizes the military absurdity of launching a war of revenge.

    10. Monarchy is an absurdity. The German royal families ruined their cause by running away. The whole monarchic question is of fifth or sixth importance. The people can decide the question of monarchy or republic after a National Government has come into power.

    1. Hitler setzte Kommunismus mit "internationalem Judentum" gleich.
      Das zeigte sich bereits in einem Interview, das er 1923 einem amerikanischen Reporter gab - und entsprach einer seinerzeit international weit verbreiteten Propaganda (s. Stichwort "Spiridovich") auf diesem Blog).
      Mit Interviews in der englischspachigen Presse, wohl weitgehend von Hanfstaengl vermittelt und betreut, warb er für internationale Sympathien und Unterstützung für seine Absicht, in Deutschland eine Diktatur zu errichten.

      19 August 1923
      Interview with Hitler by a Reporter for the New York World

      Democracy is a joke. It has ruined Germany and the Coalition Cabinet can only add further to the destruction. There are only two possibilities—either its reign will be smashed by the Soviet hammer, or it will be swept away by an organized minority of Nationalists. With fanatic determination we Fascists must pursue our goal. History has always been made by an organized minority which seized power for the benefit of the majority.

      If America is for Americans, Germany is for Germans. We are enemies of all foreign oppressors. That is why we can never work with the Communists, who are international Jews. What Germany needs is a revolution—not reform. The printing presses must stop [printing money]; officialdom must be reduced to a minimum. This can only be effected by a Government not bound by republican slogans. This Government must rule by force.

    2. Habe noch ein Bild dazu eingestellt - Truman Smith und Hitler-Berater Hanfstaengl, zwei weitere Personen, um 1936. Hanfstaengl legt Truman Smith vertraut die Hand aufs Knie.

    3. "'Hitler needs a woman,' he said. 'Hitler should have an American woman--a lovely woman could change the whole destiny of Europe.' He got to the point: 'Martha,' he said, 'you are the woman!'"

      Martha Dodd, Tochter des damaligen US Botschafters, über eine Bemerkung von Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler brauche eine Frau, am besten eine amerikanische - diese Frau sei sie.

      zitiert aus ihren Memoiren auf

    4. Truman Smith verachtete Botschafter Dodd als einen „Pazifisten“ und meinte, die Zeiten erforderten von einem US Botschafter in Deutschland mehr Sinn für das Militärische. Er stand in der US Botschaft mit seiner Zustimmung für Hitler keineswegs allein.

      Lindbergh: A Biography, by Leonard Mosley, Courier Corporation, 2012

      Truman Smith, in the report which he later wrote for the War Department, described Ambassador Dodd as “a pacifist" and questioned “his fitness for the for the ambassadorial post at this particular period in history" owing to “his marked distaste for military matters.” …
      There were some attachés who believed that a good day had arrived for Germany when the swastika had taken over, and their prototype was portrayed by by Herman Wouk in his novel The Winds of War, in the character of Kip Tollever. Tollever, just back from being naval attaché in Berlin in the years before the outbreak of World War II, is talking to the man destined to be his successor:
      When Victor Henry probed a bit about the Nazis and how to deal with them, Kip Tollever sat up very erect, his curled fingers stiffened as he gestured, and his and his tone grew finn. The National Socialists were in, he said, and the other parties were out, just as in the United States the Democrats were in and the Republicans out. … The press coverage of the new Germany was distorted … “Hitler's a damned remarkable man," said Tollever …”

  7. "Das sind unsere Verbündeten"
    "Saudi/ Maso"

    Heute Show vom 30.01.2015
    ab ca. 19:00

  8. Beim Geld hört die Islamophobie auf:

    So ist es ein mehr als offenes Geheimnis, dass z.B. Saddam Hussein und Muammar al-Gaddafi nicht nur die FPÖ, sondern auch weitere rechte und faschistische Zusammenschlüsse 4 großzügig unterstützten, wofür man sich dann gerne, wie z.B. im Fall von FPÖ und Hypo-Alpe-Adria nicht nur mit der Unterstützung bei Bankgeschäften 5 wie denjenigen der Söhne Saddam Husseins, sondern auch mit "Friedensmissionen" erkenntlich zeigte: FPÖ-Mann Lasar 6 besuchte in Tripolis den damaligen Thronfolger, Saif al-Islam, der sich stets seiner guten Beziehungen zu fast allen rechtsextremen Politikern Europas rühmte.. Islamfeindliche Äußerungen des blauen Friedensengels über die Muslime zu Hause waren da nicht im Mindesten störend.

    Das berüchtigte Hassblog PI (Weblog Politically Incorrect) hat einen türkischen Provider: die Karaboga Net Group mit Sitz in den USA und Support in der Türkei. 7

    Das heldenhafte Schweizervolk, bzw. die Initiatoren mit seiner Anti-Moschee-Mobbing-Aktion hat sich sehr wohl überlegt, welchen Muslimen man mit der Anti-Minarett-Abstimmung vors Schienbein tritt: den "europäischen", gemäßigten Muslimen in der Schweiz. Die Abstimmung wurde von Bundesrätin Widmer-Schlumpf als Zeichen gegen den radikalen Islam verkauft.

  9. Ein Auge zudruecken bei Machtmissbrauch von Verbuendeten?

    "Green Beret" Sergeant Charles Martland bekam Aerger wegen einer Auseinandersetzung mit einem afghanischen Polizei-Kommandeur, der die Vergewaltigung eines Jungen zugegeben und darueber gelacht haben soll.

    ... The 2011 incident occurred at the remote outpost where Martland was stationed. The 12-year-old boy and his mother showed up at camp, and the boy showed the Green Berets where his hands had been tied. A medic took him to a back room for an examination with an interpreter, who told them the boy had been raped by a man identified as Afghani Police commander Abdul Rahman.
    Rahman allegedly beat the boy's mother for reporting the crime after learning that they went to the Army outpost. This led Martland and team leader Daniel Quinn to confront Rahman.
    According to reports of the incident, Rahman confessed to the crime and laughed it off. This led Martland and Quinn to shove the smug police official to the ground.
    Rahman reported the incident to another Army unit in a nearby village, which led to Quinn and Martland being pulled from their assignments. ...
    "After acting to protect a child from sexual assault from an Afghan commander, SFC Martland was punished and could be kicked out of the military at any time," said Jay Sekulow, of the American Center for Law and Justice. "What's equally disturbing are reports that the military has allowed Afghanistan forces to sexually abuse young children on U.S. bases."

  10. U.S.-Backed Rebels Behead a Child

    The Daily Beast
    Katie Zavadski
    July 20, 2016

    Members of an American-backed rebel group in Syria beheaded a young child in a grisly execution video.

    The footage surfaced early Tuesday of members of Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki and a captured child in Handarat, near Aleppo. The young boy, who appears to be prepubescent, is then executed on the back of a pickup truck.

    The gruesome videotaped murder of a child drew outrage on social media and the promise of an inquiry from the group’s leadership, which has previously received U.S.-made weapons and American funding. The group no longer gets such backing. But it’s also renewed questions about which rebels the American government has supported in Syria's ongoing civil war.

    "Even if they no longer get U.S. aid, it still shows the moral pitfalls of what we’re trying to do in Syria," Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a terrorism expert and senior fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Daily Beast. ...

    1. Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki

      حركة نور الدين الزنكي
      Participant in the Syrian Civil War
      Late 2011[1]–present

      Sunni Islamism

      Sheikh Tawfiq Shahabuddin[1]

      Area of operations
      Aleppo Governorate

      Part of
      Syrian Revolutionary Command Council[2]
      Levant Front[3]
      Authenticity and Development Front (formerly)[4]
      Army of Mujahideen (formerly)[5]
      Fatah Halab[6]
      Jaysh Halab[7]

      Free Syrian Army
      Islamic Front

      Syrian Armed Forces

      Battles and wars

      Syrian Civil War
      Battle of Aleppo Aleppo offensive (October–December 2013)
      Operation Canopus Star
      Operation Rainbow
      Aleppo offensive (October 2015)
      Northern Aleppo offensive (June 2016)
      al-Nusra Front–SRF/Hazzm Movement conflict

      Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki (Arabic: حركة نور الدين الزنكي‎‎, Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement) is an independent insurgent group involved in the Syrian Civil War. In 2014-15 it was part of the Syrian Revolutionary Command Council and in that period received U.S.-made BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missiles.[8] As of 2014, it is reportedly one of the most important rebel factions in Aleppo. ...

    2. "... und fuer alle internationalen Kunden"

      Von der Webseite der Firma Raytheon

      TOW Weapon System
      Launched, Tracked and Guided with Precision

      The tube-launched, optically-tracked, wireless-guided (TOW®) Weapon System, with the multi-mission TOW 2A, TOW 2B Aero and TOW Bunker Buster missiles, is the premier long-range, heavy assault-precision anti-armor, anti-fortification and anti-amphibious landing weapon system used throughout the world today. ...

      The TOW 2A, TOW 2B Aero and TOW Bunker Buster missiles can be fired from all TOW launchers – including the Improved Target Acquisition Systems (ITAS), Stryker anti-tank guided missile vehicle (modified ITAS) and Bradley Fighting Vehicles (Improved Bradley Acquisition Subsystem). ...

      The TOW Weapon System has transitioned to wireless guidance and is being produced for the U.S. Army, U.S. Marines and all international customers.

      With its extended range performance, the TOW Weapon System is the long-range precision, heavy anti-tank and assault weapon system of choice for the U.S. Army Stryker, Bradley Fighting Vehicle, ITAS High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle and Light Armored Vehicle-Anti-tank platforms. The TOW weapon system will be in service with the U.S. military beyond 2050. ...

    3. July 19, 2016

      ... The Syrian Democratic Force, a U.S. sponsored group of mostly Syrian Kurds, is besieging the Islamic State held eastern city of Manbij. According to the UN's Human Rights commissioner 70,000 civilians in Manbij are cut off from all supplies. We have yet to hear calls for an immediate breaking of the siege or for enforced air drops of supplies to these people. Where are all the R2P fans in the Obama administration and all the well paid Syrian opposition propaganda groups on this? ...

      Instead of delivering food the U.S. did some different air drops on Marjib:

      At least 56 civilians were killed on Tuesday in air strikes north of the besieged Islamic State-held city of Manbij in northern Syria, and residents said they believed the attack was carried out by U.S.-led warplanes, a monitoring group said.
      The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the dead included 11 children, and that dozens more people were wounded.

      The CIA finances a long list of proxies in Syria to fight the Syrian government and the millions of people its protects. It has delivered high powered TOW anti-tank weapons to many of these groups:

      The groups that the CIA currently allows munitions to be shared with are: ... Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, (Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki)...

      According to the BBC Foreign News producer Riam Dalati it is a group of these Nour al-Din al-Zenki "moderate rebels" who yesterday captured a Palestinian boy ...

  11. jörg Heinrich
    #18.2 — vor 1 Monat

    "Gott schütze Ameria vor seine ehemaligen Verbündeten"

    Der etwas flapsige Spruch war mir 2001 bei dem 9-11 Anschlag durch Al -Kaida in den Sinn gekommen.

    Schließlich waren die 9-11 Terror-Gruppen (Al Kaida) mehr oder minder die gleichen Grupen welche die USA von 1979 bis 1989 im Krieg gegen russische Truppen in Afganistan unterstützt hatten.

    Im Angesicht der Lage heute würde ich nocht ergänzen:

    "Möge Gott auch die EU vor den ehemaligen Verbündeten der USA schützen und auch die ehemaligen Verbündeten vor den USA."

    Das ist alles etwas satierisch gemeint und religjös bin ich auch nicht, aber denken sie mal in ruhe darüber nach.

    Wahrscheinlich sind bei dem Luftangriff auch Kämpfer der Ahrar Al Scham getroffen worden und solche der Al Zenki.

    Die Al Scham wird stark von den Saudis unterstützt und Saudi-Arabien hat in der EU Waffen für diese Terror-Gruppe gekauft -- mutmaßlich mit Duldung der EU und der USA.

    Al Zenki hat ganz offizel TOWs von den USA bekommen.

    Ideolgisch sind die Gruppen nicht weit von den Leuten entfert die in der EU mit Lastwagen in Menschenmengen fahren.

    Wir diskutieren darüber wie wir Terroristen bekämpfen können, sollten wir nicht erstmal aufhöhren Terroristen zu unterstützen?

